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(1991年1月2日 吉林省人民政府令第42号)

  第一条 为加强测绘成果的管理,保证测绘成果的合理使用,提高测绘成果的社会效益和经济效益,防止测绘成果的失密和泄密,根据《中华人民共和国测绘成果管理规定》,结合我省实际情况,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称测绘成果,是指在陆地、海洋和空间测绘完成的下列成果:

  第三条 凡在我省境内从事测绘工作和使用测绘成果的单位和个人,均须遵守本办法。

  第四条 县级以上人民政府测绘行政主管部门主管本行政区域内测绘成果的管理和监督工作,负责组织《吉林省测绘管理办法》规定的限额以上的测绘成果(以下简称限额以上测绘成果)的接收、搜集、整理、储存和提供使用。省政府有关主管部门、国家驻省单位及大专院校负责管理本部门、本专业的测绘成果。

  第五条 各级测绘成果管理部门和使用单位,对测绘成果应科学分类、立卷、归档、保管,并建立健全测绘成果管理制度,运用现代科学技术手段及时、准确、安全、方便地提供使用。

  第六条 对测绘成果应根据公开(公开使用,公开出版)和未公开(内部使用、保密)的不同性质,按照国家有关规定进行管理。

  第七条 测绘成果的密级分为绝密、机密、秘密三级,不够密级又不宜公开的测绘成果为内部资料。

  第八条 凡使用和存有未公开测绘成果的单位,应加强测绘成果的保密措施,并领取省测绘行政主管部门颁发的秘密测绘成果管理证书。

  第九条 各测绘单位测制完成的测绘成果,必须按规定的程序进行验收,质量合格后方可提供使用。

  第十条 各测绘单位对经验收合格的限额以上测绘成果,必须按《中华人民共和国测绘成果管理规定》及下列规定,按年度汇交成果目录或副本。

  第十一条 需要使用未公开限额以上测绘成果的单位,应持所在地测绘行政管理部门或省政府有关主管部门、国家驻省单位及大专院校出具的公函和秘密测绘成果管理证书到省测绘行政主管部门办理使用手续。

  第十二条 军事部门需要使用地方有关部门的测绘成果的,须经总参谋部测绘主管部门或大军区、军兵种测绘主管部门通过国务院测绘行政主管部门或省测绘行政主管部门统一办理。

  第十三条 向国外提供我国未公开的测绘成果,按国务院的有关规定执行。

  第十四条 测绘成果管理单位应向经省测绘行政主管部门批准使用测绘成果的单位提供所需使用的测绘成果,不得拒绝。

  第十五条 任何单位和个人不得擅自复制、转让、转借测绘成果。确需复制、转让和转借的,必须经提供该测绘成果的部门批准。复制的保密测绘成果仍按原密级管理。

  第十六条 测绘单位提供测绘成果时,应开具测绘成果发送单(成果提供单位、资料库管理者、上级主管单位、领取单位,回执各一份)。

  第十七条 需要使用测绘成果的单位须按保密规定对测绘成果进行包装、传递、运输。

  第十八条 测绘成果实行有偿提供。有偿提供测绘成果的办法和收费标准,按国家和省的有关规定执行。

  第十九条 借用测绘成果的单位和个人应保持测绘成果的完整,不得涂改和损坏。

  第二十条 销毁确无保留、使用价值的保密测绘成果时,必须经测绘成果使用单位的县级以上主管部门或省政府有关主管部门、国家驻省单位及大专院校等单位负责人批准,并编制销毁清册一式三份,报当地测绘行政主管部门或测绘成果管理单位一份,报省测绘行政主管部门一份,销毁单位存档一份。

  第二十一条 各级测绘行政主管部门和省政府有关主管部门、国家驻省单位及大专院校,对使用和存有未公开测绘成果的单位,应定期进行保密检查。对经检查不合格的单位暂停提供测绘成果。

  第二十二条 对测绘成果管理做出较大贡献或成绩显著的单位和个人,由省测绘行政主管部门给予表彰或奖励。

  第二十三条 对有下列行为之一的单位,给予行政处罚:

  第二十四条 有下列行为之一的个人,由其所在单位或者该单位的上级主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任:

  第二十五条 违反本办法第十九条规定,损坏测绘成果的,应赔偿提供成果单位直接经济损失。

  第二十六条 因测绘成果质量不合格给用户造成经济损失的,由该测绘成果的测绘单位赔偿直接经济损失,并负责补测或重测;情节严重的,由测绘行政主管部门处以测绘单位收取费用百分之五的罚款,或者取消相应的测绘资格。

  第二十七条 本办法规定的行政处罚,除法律、法规另有规定者外,由县以上人民政府测绘行政主管部门执行。

  第二十八条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以在知道处罚之日起十五日内,向作出处罚决定部门的上级行政主管部门申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以在接到复议决定书之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉;当事人也可以在法律规定的期限内,直接向人民法院起诉,期满不起诉又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的行政主管部门申请人民法院强制执行。

  第二十九条 省内有关测绘成果管理规定与本办法相抵触的,按本办法执行。

  第三十条 本办法自发布之日起施行。





| 课 时
课 程 | 骨干培训 | 过渡培训 | 考录前培训
工商所职位分类 | 24 | |
国家公务员制度基础知识 | 30 | 120 |
工商行政管理专业知识 | 30 | 120 |
工商行政管理公共科目 | 30 | | 120
工商行政管理专业教程 | 30 | | 120
合 计 | 144 | 240 | 240




国家旅游局《关于加强旅游工作的意见》已经国务院同意,现转发给你们,请结合本地区、本部门的实际情况贯彻执行。 旅游业是一项综合性事业,涉及航空、交通、文化、建设、轻工、纺织、商业等许多部门,各有关部门要积极配合和支持,共同努力,推动我国旅游事业更加健康
、协调地发展。关于加强旅游工作的意见 党的十一届三中全会以来,在改革、开放方针的指引下,我国旅游事业迅速发展,在增加我国非贸易外汇收入、促进对外经济贸易和文化交流、增进同世界各国人民的相互了解和友谊等方面发挥了积极作用。目前我国旅游业的发展已具备了相当的
制定价格(国家旅游局和国家物价局今后主要是制定最高限价和最低保护价)。价格原则一经确定,各级、各类旅游企业都应严格执行。对于违反价格纪律的,要严肃处理。 国家旅游局要会同国家统计局、国家外汇管理局、财政部、中国银行等部门,在加强对旅游外汇收支统计工作的同
为亚洲地区有一定规模和声誉的旅游购物城市。 目前一些旅游涉外饭店用大量外汇进口内装修材料、卫生洁具、机电设备和零部件,为尽快改变这种状况,今后对凡属于国内已能生产的产品,价格合理,质量、交货期等方面又能保证需要的,应一律停止进口。建议由有关部门提出限制进


Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

(December 21, 1988)
The Report, "Suggestions Concerning the Strengthening of Tourist Work",
submitted by the National Tourism Administration, has been approved by the
State Council and is hereby transmitted to you for implementation in the
light of the actual conditions of the respective localities and
The tourist industry is a comprehensive undertaking which involves
departments such as aviation, communications, culture, construction, light
industry, textile industry, and commerce. All the departments concerned
shall coordinate and support each other and make joint efforts to promote
the sound and coordinated development of tourism in our country.
Since the conclusion of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central
Committee of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of the
policy of reform and opening to the outside world, tourism has been
developing very rapidly in our country; and it has played an active part
in increasing our country's non-trade foreign exchange earnings, in
boosting international trade and cultural exchange, and in promoting the
mutual understanding and friendship between peoples throughout the world.
At present, our country possesses a fairly good foundation for the
development of tourism and the necessary conditions for speeding up such
development. The general trend of continuous and steady development of the
international tourism is also favourable to us for promoting our tourist
industry. In order to further strengthen the coordinated administration of
tourist work and strive for a greater development of our tourist industry,
we hereby advance the following suggestions:

1. Strengthening the administration of the tourist industry and doing a
good job in the reform of tourism administration organs at various levels.
The people's governments of various provinces, autonomous regions, and
municipalities directly under the Central Government, as well as tourist
cities, especially those favourite haunts with relatively rich tourist
resources, shall, in accordance with the principles of "separating Party
organs from government organs", "separating government organs from
enterprises", and "simplified and unified administration", and in the
light of local conditions and needs of the development of international
and domestic tourism, set up and improve the tourism administration organs
by combining them with the reform of local setups and making overall
arrangements. The tourism administration departments at various levels
shall make timely and specific adjustments to their responsibilities,
clearly define their scope of duties, and rationally deploy their
organizations. In order to effect the separation of government organs from
enterprises, it is imperative to lay stress on the following measures:
(1) The persons in charge of the tourism administration departments shall
not assume concurrently posts of manager of local tourist companies,
tourist agencies, or hotels;
(2) The tourism bureaus shall be completely separated from the enterprises
directly under them in the administration of such aspects as personnel,
finance, and materials, so that the tourist enterprises shall carry on
their business operations independently, and assume sole responsibility
for their profits and losses;
(3) The expenses for the tourism administration departments at various
levels to conduct tourist business operations shall be appropriated by the
finance departments at various levels. In order to strengthen the
connections between tourism administration departments and tourist opera-
ting units, the National Tourism Administration shall, in accordance with
the requirements of work, make necessary adjustments with regard to the
"China Association of Tourism" and the "China Association of Tourist
Hotels", and establish thereby the "China Association of Domestic
Tourism", which shall assist the competent authorities for tourism in
coordinating relations with other departments concerned and in studying
and providing guidance to the development of domestic tourism.

2. Further clarifying the scope of responsibility and the limits of powers
of the tourist administration bureaus, and establishing a system of graded
administration. The subordinative relationship of all the tourist
enterprises and tourist institutions throughout the country-including
institutes and schools of tourism, research institutes of tourism, tourist
agencies that are engaged in the international and domestic tourist
industries; various categories of tourist hotels, guest houses,
restaurants, and tourist automobile and vessels companies for the
reception of foreign tourists; key tourist scenic spots, tourist
attractions, and shops selling tourist goods that are open to foreigners;
tourist representative offices abroad, as well as the tourist
representative offices established in China by foreign tourist agencies-to
the competent administrative authorities directly over them shall remain
unchanged; but the tourist bureau shall, in accordance with the provisions
of the State, implement the system of trade administration, inspection,
and supervision. The tourism administration departments at various levels
shall treat tourist enterprises of various categories equally without
discrimination. The National Tourism Administration shall, in accordance
with the aforesaid principle, and working in coordination with other
departments concerned, make a study of, and work out, ways to implement
the system of graded administration and effect a stricter procedure in
examining and approving the establishment of tourist enterprises. All the
tourist enterprises and tourist institutions shall, without exception,
subject themselves to trade administration and supervision.

3. Deepening the reform in a comprehensive way and implementing the
responsibility system of contracted business operations. The tourism
administration departments at various levels and the departments that run
tourist enterprises shall, taking into consideration the actual conditions
of the local areas and of their own departments, and in accordance with
the pertinent provisions of the State, make a study of, and submit a
report on, a specific plan and practicable procedures for the
implementation of the responsibility system of contracted business
operations in state-run and collectively-run tourist enterprises and, at
the same time, formulate other provisions to perfect such a system. In the
course of implementing the aforesaid responsibility system of contracted
business operations, different forms of contracted business operations may
be adopted, in accordance with the differences in the nature of business
operations (tourists agencies, tourist hotels specialized in receiving
foreign guests, fleets of tourist automobiles and vessels) and business
operations of different conditions (enterprises with profits, enterprises
that have to repay loans, enterprises suffering losses and with a
deficit). All those enterprises that have foreign exchange earnings shall
carry out a contracted target for earning foreign exchange, and work out a
corresponding method for the administration of the settlement of the
exchange. Enterprises, which possess the necessary conditions, may
gradually set up risk funds for themselves. The contractor shall be
finally determined, through various kinds of competition, such as by
inviting tenders, or by advertising for employment. The contract period
shall, in principle, be no shorter than 3 years. Once a contract is
confirmed and signed, the two parties, the contractor and the party
awarding the contract, shall execute the contract strictly, and under no
circumstances shall it be violated. The implementation of the
responsibility system of contracted business operations calls for a close
integration of the improvement of enterprise management and the promotion
of reform in the internal administration system of enterprises, and for
further efforts in reforming and improving the labour wage system and the
policy of reward and punishment, in accordance with the principle of
combining responsibility, power, and profit.

4. Reforming the administration system of tourist agencies. The three
backbone travel services-China International Travel Service, China Travel
Service, and China Youth Travel Service-shall be encouraged and supported
to develop towards the establishment of an integrated complex or
enterprise group.
With respect to those tourist agencies of various categories that have
already been set up, the National Tourism Administration and local tourism
administration departments shall carry out assessment and rectification in
accordance with the provisions in Interim Regulations on the
Administration of Tourist Agencies and Rules of Implementation for Interim
Regulations on the Administration of Tourist Agencies. Tourist agencies of
various categories shall all carry out effectively the reform in the
internal work of their respective tourist agencies, further tap their
potentials, so as to raise standard of their operation and administration,
and to improve the quality of their services.

5. Strengthening overseas tourist publicity and the endeavouring for
soliciting tourists, and striving to expand the international market for
foreign tourists. The National Tourism Administration shall make further
efforts in investigating and analyzing the market for international
tourists, work out specific plans for the expansion of the said
international market, and take measures to put it into practice. Our
resident representative tourist offices abroad shall try their best to
investigate into the market for international tourists and carry out
publicity work for soliciting visiting tourists, take the responsibility
to supervise the publicity and soliciting endeavour carried out abroad by
units in charge of liaison work with foreign countries, actively make
contacts with the institutions concerned, tourist agencies and tourist
wholesalers in countries where our representative tourist offices are
resident, and pay attention to collecting and feeding back relevant
information. Various resident representative tourist offices abroad may,
within the scope of law of the respective countries where they are
resident, and at their discretion, undertake some paid services or other
business operational activities.
Various units in charge of liaison work with foreign countries, while
canvassing among foreigners for tourists itineraries, shall work in close
coordination and take the interests of the whole country into account.
They may not play down the others and compete against them by offering
prices lower than the protective price. Various units in charge of liaison
work with foreign countries shall be encouraged to collaborate on a
voluntary basis to canvass jointly among foreigners. With respect to those
who have violated external liaison disciplines, the National Tourism
Administration and the local tourism administration departments shall,
depending on the seriousness of the cases, impose disciplinary sanctions,
or economic penalty, on the violators. In order to meet the needs of the
development of the tourist industry in our country, the outlay for
conducting tourist publicity and canvassing abroad may be increased with
each passing year. From now on, various units in charge of liaison work
with foreign countries, when canvassing jointly among foreigners may
collect service charges: all units that take part in the canvassing
activities and derive benefits there from shall pay the charges.

6. Strengthening the macro-administration of those newly-built tourist
hotels that specialize in receiving foreign guests and promoting the
reform of hotel administration system. The tourism administration
departments at various levels shall conscientiously implement Interim
Regulations on the Construction and Administration of Storied Buildings,
Halls, Hotels and Guest Houses, promulgated by the State Council on
September 22, 1988, and, working in coordination with the local planning
departments, carry out a checking-up on the projects of local tourist
hotels that specialize in receiving foreign guests. From now on, in
principle, no more high-grade tourist hotels that specialize in receiving
foreign guests shall be built in any place. In areas less frequented than
favourite tourist haunts, medium-and low-grade hotels may be built, in
accordance with the tourist market's demand, and depending on the actual
circumstances, (a number of highgrade rooms may be provided in a
medium-grade hotel, if necessary). In such highly frequented tourist
cities as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin, Xi'an, and Hangzhou, no
new hotel construction projects with Chinese-foreign joint investment or
by Chinese-foreign cooperation shall, in principle, be approved. In
accordance with the guideline of Document No. 17 (1988) issued by the
General Office under the State Council, it shall be imperative to speed up
the establishment of the hotel administration company of our own country.
In cases where necessity arises for the building of new hotels in form of
Chinese-foreign joint ventures or Chinese-foreign contractual joint
venture, the cases shall be handled in accordance with the provisions in
Document No. 101 (1986) and Document No. 32 (1988), issued by the General
Office under the State Council. As regards the tourist scenic spots and
tourist attraction, built and facilitated with, or partly with the
investment of the National Tourism Administration, the local tourism
administration departments shall take part in the leadership and
administration of the aforesaid tourist places.
Promoting the reform in the hotel administration system. There are now
specific standards for the "star-rating" of the country's tourist hotels
that specialize in receiving foreign guests; the rating process shall be
speeded up and strive to complete the task by the end of next year. The
system for issuing and revoking business licence for tourist hotels that
specialize in receiving foreign guests (including various categories of
tourist agencies and tourist automobiles and vessels companies) shall be
gradually set up. With respect to those tourist enterprises that have
committed serious illegal acts, the competent authorities for tourism may
suggest to the relevant administrative departments for industry and
commerce that the business licences of the aforesaid enterprises be

7. Carrying out, with caution, the reform in tourist prices, and
strengthening the administration of the receipts and expenditures in
foreign exchange as well as the settlement of exchange relating to tourist
enterprises. The problem of tourist prices has a direct bearing on the
interests and reputation of the State; therefore it is imperative to
conduct careful investigation and studies before taking cautious steps in
the reform, and submit the reform plan to higher authorities for approval.
It is necessary to reform the price structure so as to fix the tourist
prices more scientifically and reasonably by taking into full
consideration the necessity to meet the challenge of international
competition, and in accordance with the special features of different
tourist itineraries and different seasons (from now on, the National
Tourism Administration and the State Administration for Commodity Prices
shall chiefly fix the ceiling price and the floor price - the protective
price). Once the price principles are determined, the tourist enterprises
at various levels and of various categories shall execute them strictly.
Those who have violated the price discipline shall be dealt with
The National Tourism Administration shall, working in coordination with
such departments as the State Statistical Bureau, the State Administration
of Foreign Exchange Control, the Ministry of Finance, and the Bank of
China, strengthen the statistical work on the tourist enterprises'
receipts and expenditures, and tighten the control of the foreign exchange
receipts and expenditures of the tourist enterprises, establish the system
for the settlement of tourist foreign exchange, and bring this work into
line with the State plan. It is imperative to formulate, through studies,
the Measures for Foreign Exchange Control in Tourism and the Measures for
the Financial Administration of Foreign Exchange in Tourism, and submit
these two documents to the State Council for approval before
implementation so as to reverse as early as possible the present situation
of serious drain on foreign exchange earnings from tourism.

8. Developing vigorously the manufacture and marketing of tourist goods
and tourist souvenirs, increasing the volume of the foreign exchange
earning from tourism in our country and improving its economic results.
The manufacture and marketing of tourist goods and tourist souvenirs
constitute an important component part of the tourist industry, and is
also an important channel for earning foreign exchange for the State. It
is imperative to establish gradually a nationwide network for the
production and marketing of tourist goods and tourist souvenirs. For the
aforesaid purpose, the "China Tourist Services Company" under the National
Tourism Administration, the "China Tourist Products Production and Supply
Company" under the Ministry of Light Industry, and the "China Friendship
Services Company" under the Ministry of Commerce shall be taken as the
foundation; their leading role shall be brought into full play, and their
businesses shall be further expanded so that they shall grow into
complexes of enterprises specialized in different lines of business,
handling different assortments of tourist goods and tourist souvenirs.
These complexes of enterprises may establish, in a planned way, a number
of production bases for the production of tourist souvenirs, and a number
of research institutes for carrying on studies in the marketing quotations
of international tourist goods and tourist souvenirs and for developing
new products, so that scientific research and product development will be
combined in the integrated process of production-supply-marketing. It is
necessary to encourage various places, especially the key tourist areas,
to vigorously develop the production of tourist goods and tourist
souvenirs that are of national style with various local colours, to
increase designs and varieties, to expand channels for sources of goods,
to improve sales service, and to strengthen market administration. It is
imperative to implement conscientiously the provisions approved long ago
by the State Council: "the foreign exchange earned through the sales of
tourist goods shall be deemed as the foreign exchange earned by foreign
trade" and to formulate, through studies, specific measures for carrying
out the said provisions; with respect to those export goods which do not
come under the licence control, it is important to expand their sales to
foreign tourists; the selling prices of tourist goods and tourist
souvenirs shall be handled flexibly in accordance with the different
conditions of goods supply, the international market quotations, and the
specific marketing policy pursued by the economic and trade departments.

The special raw and processed materials which are needed for the
development of the production of tourist goods and tourist souvenirs and
are in short supply in the country, shall be brought into the goods supply
channels handled by the departments of goods and materials at various
levels; those raw and processed materials that are imported solely by the
State shall be brought into the plan for importation executed by the
State; the special imported raw and processed materials needed shall be
handled in accordance with the pertinent provisions in Document No. 16
(1987) issued by the General Office under the State Council. As Beijing,
Shanghai, and Guangzhou are the three main ports of entry and exit for
overseas tourists, they shall be turned into cities with sizable tourist
shopping centres and good reputation in Asia. At present, some tourist
hotels that specialize in receiving foreign guests spend a large amount of
foreign exchange in importing fitting-up materials, sanitary utensils,
machinery and electrical equipment, and spare and component parts. In
order to change this situation without delay, from now on, all similar
products which can already be manufactured in our country and reasonably
priced and whose quality and delivery time can be guaranteed shall cease
to be imported. We suggest that a catalogue of products to be restricted
in importation be put forward by the departments concerned and the
importation of the aforesaid products shall be examined and approved by
the administrative departments of the trades concerned.

9. Strengthening the building of a contingent of tourist personnel and
paying close attention to the education in professional ethics and
professional discipline. It is imperative to improve the educational work
in schools and institutes of tourism and the professional training of
tourist personnel, especially the training of qualified specialized
personnel at various levels and of different categories. It is also
imperative to intensify the education in professional ethics and
professional discipline, so as to improve the political and professional
quality of tourist personnel, to foster a sense of honour and
responsibility, to oppose all kinds of unhealthy tendencies, to improve
the quality of tourist services and offer high-quality services, thus
enabling our tourist industry to establish good international reputation
and image.

10. Strengthening the coordination between different departments
concerned. The tourist industry is a comprehensive undertaking, the
development of which relies not only on its own work, but also on the
close coordination with such organizations as the departments of aviation,
communications, city construction, gardens and parks, historical relics,
culture, light industry, textile industry, commerce, and religious
affairs. The tourist industry is also a trans-regional trade, and a large
amount of organizational work shall be done by the local departments; a
harmonious coordination is thus indispensable. Tourist departments at
various levels shall strengthen their coordination with other departments
concerned and make joint efforts in promoting a sound and co-ordinated
development of the tourist industry in our country.
